


  1. 举例说明/例证  举例说明可以用于说明文中。用于议论文中时,也可以叫作例证。这种方法就是通过举例来说明文章的主题,支持文章的中心论点。一般会与下面所要提到的列举说明联系起来使用。通常是在中心句或者主题句后,通过举例对其进行支持论证。


  For example,...  For instance,...

  Take... as an example...

  A case in point is...  An example of this is...  One example is... Another example is...

  This can be illustrated by...  This is shown by the following example...   We are familiar with the example of...

  The most convincing/interesting/significant example is...

  I can list several examples...  To illustrate this, I can provide you with a simple example...  To prove that, I will give you a good example...

  Our daily life is filled with such examples...  Such as...

  Take,.. for example...

  To give you a specific example...

  There are many examples to prove that...

  A lot of examples can be seen...  A commonly cited example is...  A frequently encountered example is...  A good illustration of this is...


  2. 列举说明  列举说明可以用来对事物、事件或问题等提供例子或相关数据等。通常是在段落的中心句或者主题句之后,列举出一些具体的事例、数据等内容,对中心句或主题句提供支持。  常用的表示列举说明的表达方式主要有:  First... Second... Third...  Firstly... Secondly... Thirdly...  In the first place... In the second place... In the third place...  The first... The second... The third...  First... Then... Last...  First of all... Furthermore... Finally...  To begin with... Then... Lastly...  To start with... Next... Finally...  For one thing... For the other...  On the one hand... On the other hand...  Besides...  In addition...  What' s more...  As well as...  Moreover...  Last but not the least...  At the beginning...


  3. 因果分析  这种方法是通过分析事物、事件或问题的前因后果将中间段落展开。一般用于对某一现象进行分析。可以分为两类,一类是分析原因,主要用于一个结果是由多种原因所引起的情况。另一类是分析结果,主要用于一个事件可以引发多种结果的情况。   用于分析原因的表达方式有:  Thanks to...  Due to...  Because...  Because of...  The reason for.., is...  This is the reason why we should...  The reasons why this happens are...  The primary reason for.., is...  The main/most important reason is...  ...is resulted from...  On account of...  In the light of...  Take... into consideration...  ... is caused by...  There are several reasons for...  This happened because...  Since...  Now that...  Owing to...  ... is responsible for the increase/decrease of...  The fundamental reason lies in the fact that...  The basic reason for the failure is...  ...arises from...  Several factors work together to bring out the result...  The reasons include...  This happened partly because.., partly because...  Part of the reason is that...  One factor that contributes to this is...  ...is one of the reasons that lead to...


  4. 比较对照  比较对照即通过对两个或多个事物、图表或事件进行比较分析来展开段落,目的是通过比较找出其中的相同点和不同点,或者评价出其优劣,在很多文体中都很常用。

  常用的进行比较和对照的表达方式包括:  Compare... and...  Compare... with...  A comparison between.., and.., shows/suggests...  To make/draw a comparison between...and...  By comparison,...  Compared with...  Contrast... and... / contrast.., with...  There is a sharp contrast between.., and...  In comparison with...  For comparison, we can...  By contrast,...  Different from...  Unlike...  To weigh the advantages and disadvantages...  The pro and con of...  To be in sharp contrast with...  The same as...  As... as...  ... is similar to...  ...is equal to...  ... is more/less.., than...  Compared with... ,... is better/worse...  The advantages dominate...  ... bears some resemblances to...  ... outweighs/outnumbers...  ... is superior/inferior to...  There are some differences between.., and...  There is a gap between.., and...  Everything is two-sided.  In reverse,...  Conversely,...  ... not as... as...  On the contrary...  ...is not so... as...  Compare... to...


  5. 反驳法  这种方法主要用于反驳别人的观点,引出自己的看法,是议论文中很常见的一种论述方法。应用这种方法时,要注意反驳应该有理有据,不能空洞地说别人的观点是错误的,要分析出错误的原因。也就是说,考生在说其然的时候,更要论述其所以然。

  常用的反驳表达方式包括:  Although it is widely believed that... , I doubt that...  Although many people hold the belief that..., it is not...  It is true that... , but...  Admittedly..., but...  It is perhaps true that... However,...  A closer look will show that.., does not hold valid.  The argument is not firmly grounded.  The main problem of this belief is that...  I find it doubtable whether...  Some people may say that..., but it is not always the case.  People have attached too much importance to..., which will lead to...  Too much emphasis has been placed on... , which may overlook...  The argument does not stand because it has overlooked...  Their major drawback lies in...  I cannot accept such view as...  Logical as it is, it is not practical/applicable...

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