- #沈阳
- #成人/商务英语

根据统计,绝大多数的中国考生在口语考试的“grammar”一项上得分徘徊在4-5分左右。可见无论最后总分如何,大部分烤鸭们都因为在口语考试前疏于“口语语法”的练习,而在考试中吃了大亏。究其原因,虽然大多数的烤鸭们所了解的语法知识还是很丰富的,这可能是归功于从小到大在学校里大考小考的磨练,可是恐怕所有烤鸭们上了口语考场才意识到,“了解”与“使用”是完完全全两码事。而且,4-5分的*意味着,中国烤鸭们的口语语法是高不成低不就的——简单的错误没少犯,高级的语法又没展示。而在口语考试的评分标准中,明确表示语法的考查范围包括:简单错误频率(the frequency of minor errors),复杂句的使用(usage of Complex Sentences)和高级语法使用(usage of Higher Level Grammar)。如果大家回忆一下做过的听力真题,一定就会发现这些从简单到高级的语法现象是无处不在的。那么接下来,专家就带领烤鸭们一起向雅思听力取取经,看看如何从这些方面提高口语的语法能力。
Well, we book you in for an assessment with an instructor, who will show you how to use all the equipment.
Then the box office has been reoriented, with its own access from the side of the building instead of through the foyer, which means it can be open longer hours and has more space, too…The shop that used to be in the foyer, which sold books and CDs, is the one part of the redevelopment which isn’t yet complete. ….we already had a few seats which were suitable for wheelchair users, and now there are twice as many, which we hope will meet demand. Something else that will benefit audiences is the new lifts. The two we used to have were very small and slow…
Then she’s eligible to jion the nursery,which is supervised by a qualified Nursery Nurse…And you can hire laptops to use in your own home or workplace as well as printers that you can take away.
Those who could afford to live in more pleasant surroundings moved out, and the area became one where the vast majority of people lived in extreme poverty….
我们选取了剑桥6 Test 1的一整套题目来分析,可以看到在任何一个section,定语从句出现的频率是很密集的,可见无论是日常生活口语还是学术场景下的口语,只要涉及到对人物,事物以及地点的描述,都离不了定语从句进行必要的修饰和说明,
1. This is one of the most interesting films I have ever seen.
2. He always gives others the impression of being someone who is really optimistic and confidential.
3. Beijing is a place where you can appreciate both the ancient culture and modern city lifestyle.
4. Spring festival is the time when all the family members get together.
Oh,that doesn’t sound too bad, especially if it will take me straight to the hotel… so if I book your shuttle for after 12.00 — let’s say,12.30:that should give you plenty of time to,you know,collect your baggage,maybe grab a coffee?
It’s a door-to-door service and it would suit you much better, because there’s one every two hours …. yeah, that’s 35 dollars one way, 65 dollars return, so I guess it’s a bit more expensive than the Greyhound.
We want nothing to go wrong on a PS Camping holiday, but if it does, we also want all customers to be insured. If you book a camping holiday with us,you’ll have a choice of over three hundred sites….if you haven’t organised an annual insurance policy of your own you’ll need to take out the low-cost cover we offer and we require that you arrange this when you make your holiday reservation….if you don’t want to cook indoors, you can borrow a barbecue if you ask in advance for one to be made available….all tents have a fridge, and if you want to spend the day on the beach, for example, ask for a specially designed PS Camping cool box….
Instead, people making these decisions often use a range of psychological tests to see if a person is a problem solver, or will do as they’re told….for example, change in the workplace can be quite tricky, especially if there’s a need to increase profit.
Well, that’s about all I want to say before today’s first discussion, but if you have any questions please ask them now…
Well…that seems OK… it’s quite a bit lower than I’ve been paying up to now…
At the furthest point of the trip, stop D, the most exciting place to visit is the new Entertainment Complex with seven-screen cinema…
比如:well,I’m more into small shops if I would like to buy things that are special, you know, something like shoes,or accessories. But if I need to buy foods or electrical equipments, then it’s more likely that I would go to a department store , which is more reliable…