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- #舞蹈培训
高二英语教案:高二英语下册unit 3 教案2

Reading (1)
Teaching objectives:
1.To reinforce students’ comprehension of the text and improve their other skills by participating in all the activities.
2.To help students know the widespread discussion about cloning and hold their own attitudes towards it.
3.To enable students to master the reading strategy and become more competent in reading articles related to science.
Teaching focus and difficulties:
1. Students can work out the meaning of difficult or unfamiliar scientific terms with reading strategy.
2. Students can hold their own opinions on the base of reading the article.
Teaching aids:
The multimedia
Brief teaching procedures:
Step1 Lead- in
Check the homework. Encourage students to share their sources relevant to cloning technology with the whole class. Tell students that cloning has been the subject of scientific experiments for years. The recent success in cloning animals has resulted in fierce debates between scientists, politicians and public.
Step2 Reading strategy
Get students to go through the reading strategy, and make sure that everyone of them understands how to work out the meaning of these scientific terms.
Step1Begin by reading the first and last paragraphs for an idea of what the article is about.
Step2Circle any words you do not now. Question things you do not understand or that do not appear to make sense.
Step3Read through the article a few times, and make sense of the scientific terms upon further readings.
Step3 First reading—Main idea
Ask students to refer to the reading passage and find out the main idea.
(The reading passage is made up of a newspaper article about cloning and two readers’ letters. We will be given information about how cloning is being researched and the different attitudes towards it.)
Step4 Second reading—Understanding scientific terms
Ask students to circle the unfamiliar words or things they do not understand while second reading. (For example: embryo, tissues and organs, interfere with nature, etc)
Step5 Third reading—Detailed information
Ask students to read only the article carefully, and finish the following exercises:
1. What are the different attitudes towards the success of cloning a human embryo?
On the one hand (valuable tissues and organs can be produced and be used to save human lives)
On the other hand (human beings may be on the way to producing a real-life monster)
Some people consider that (cloning human embryos with the intention to destroy them shows no respect for human life.)
2. Who are the persons in the article related to cloning?
personsintroductionsrelations to cloning
Ian Wilumta Scottish scientist who created Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell He was shocked when hearing some scientists were considering cloning human beings. He never intends to create copies of humans. Instead, he thinks the efforts of scientists should be directed towards creating new cells and organs that could be used to cure diseases like cancer.
Faye Wilsona woman of 41 years old who cannot have a baby. She is desperate to have a baby of her own, a child that is genetically related to her.
Severino Antinorian Italian doctor, who is one of the leaders in the cloning researchHe has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.
Chinese scientistswho have focused their efforts on cloning animals and stem cells to be used in medical researchChina has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research the ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.