

职场白领们每天的工作中有70%时间用在笔头交流上,包括电子邮件、工作进度报告、提案、意向书等。要想平步青云蒸蒸日上,"您"不仅得会做,更要会写。 写作习惯形成写作性格,写作性格决定一个白领的职业命运。但是,当要撰写重要邮件或报告时, 面对空白的稿纸或屏幕,脑子里确一片混沌。 如何做到"先想后写"?如何搭建你的文章结构?如何让你的书面语言更有说服力?如何对不同文化背景的同事、客户沟通负面、敏感事件? 一、电子商务邮件的"六大部分",您真的知道每个部分标准而的写法吗?Fundamentals: six parts in first-class business correspondence

标题:精+确 Subject: brief + informative称呼:你们的关系+事件的性质 Greeting: your relationship + the nature of the matter开头:一语中的 Opening: put your purpose in the first sentence细节:提供"所有的必需的"信息 Details: provide "ALL the NEEDED" information请求:清晰醒目 Future action: make a clear request结尾:友好而开放 Ending: friendly and open电子邮件中的禁区 Something you never do with emails按 send 键之前,您确定要发这封电子邮件吗? When NOT to send emails?案例讨论一:有技巧地催促同事按时交行程单 Case study I: Skillfully push the colleague to send the itinerary on time二、 Barbara Minto文章的金字塔结构?Pyramid structure designed by Barbara Minto为什么在职场中需要使用金字塔结构? Why do we need to use pyramid structure in work? -- 结论先行,可以抓住注意力,并避免误解 Start the article with conclusion to catch attention and avoid misunderstanding什么是金字塔结构? What is pyramid structure?--自上而下;垂直方向用问题-回答展开;水平方向用归纳(遵循 MECE 原则)或演绎展开 Top down; Vertical: question-answer; Horizontal: induction (MECE) or deduction怎样使用金字塔结构? How do we use pyramid structure?--发散思维,画出所有内容气泡,找出气泡间的逻辑,得出结论,将结论放在金字塔塔尖 List out all the bubbles, govern the bubbles by logic, make the conclusion and put it to the top案例讨论二:为进度报告、商业提案、工作计划、竞聘竞升做金字塔结构 Case study II: Draw the pyramid structures for progress report / business proposal / work plan / promotion application三、写电子商务邮件时,您要遵循的语言特色上的"五个必须""Five Musts" for business English writing--明确、清晰、积极、有人情味、有说服力 Specific, clear, positive, personal, persuasive让你的语言有说服力的魔力:说服八步骤 Persuasion skills: eight-step motivated sequence秒杀中国式英语 Get rid of Chinglish--使用向右延伸的逻辑、使用连接词秀出逻辑、遵循 KISS 原则 Use right-branching logic, use transition words, KISS案例讨论三:向上级要批准 Case study III: Request a senior manager for approval案例讨论四:向客户请求前去拜访 Case study IV: Request to pay a visit to a client四、如何沟通负面、敏感事件 Deal with negative issues认识主要文化群体在传递负面、敏感事件的文化性格维度上的相应位置 Identify the main cultural clusters' positions on communication dimension使用正确的语气:左手拿镜子,照自己的身份;右手拿放大镜,剖析读者 Use the correct tone: know your own identity and four types of business readers"三明治结构"帮您消除传达坏消息时的尴尬 Use sandwich structure to make the bad news more acceptable将您的"共情能力"表达在笔端,巧妙回应愤怒与不合理 Show sympathy when responding to angry message and unreasonable request案例讨论五:讨论一个敏感话题:办公地点搬迁 / 派增新的工作任务 Case study V: Discuss a sensitive topic: office relocation/new job assignment案例讨论六:回应同事的抱怨 Case study VI: Respond to a colleague's complaint.

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