Jason Wang
前石溪大学研究生招生院助理,前石溪大学本科招生院顾问,2009年进入纽约州立大学石溪分校学习电子电气工程专业。 招生院工作期间,创建了石溪大学中文导览系统,学校官方微博,人人网主页与微信公共平台等;筹划了多种国际交流项目,并与国内外多所高中建立长期合作以及学校直通车项目。 在美国教育行业拥有丰富的人脉,指导过近百名学生申请到理想的大学。本科毕业后就加入西门子电气传动有限公司EHS部门任运营分析师一职。任职1年之后进入纽约大学深造学习。Graduated from State University of New York at Stony Brook with bachelor of Engineering in electrical and electronics engineering. He also worked in admission department as counselor and Dean’s assistant. During his employment in admission department, he built up SUNY’s Chinese tutorial website, official weibo account, wechat platform, etc. He also established cooperation relationship with high schools in the U.S. and China. After graduation, he worked in Siemens Electrical Drives Ltd. as operation analyst. To accomplish his goal in education industry, he entered New York University to purse advanced education (master’s degree in industrial engineering).
Eric Tian
前纽约大学招生官助理,清柚首席咨询顾问。2009年我来到美国后,然后在2013年本科毕业后,工作Gap一年。曾就业于Pfizer辉瑞担任产品质量控制和供应一职以及在梅赛德斯-奔驰担任采购与供应专员。工作的同时自主申请到了纽约大学的研究生。Came to the U.S. in 2009, graduated from University of Massachusetts Boston with B.S. in Biochemistry. He employed in Pfizer Inc. as quality control and supply manager, and Mercedes-Benz as purchasing agent. He decided to further his education by researching and applying to New York University (master’s degree in industrial engineering and project management) himself. Aside of his study, he has worked in admission department as admission counselor.
Tony Chen
前纽约大学招生官助理,美国美中教育协会国际教育顾问,纽约大学研究生毕业。熟悉学校申请流程和招生偏好,与多所学校招生部有交流合作,是你通往美国大学道路上的良师益友!Graduated from New York University with master’s degree in industrial engineering. Besides his study, he served as admission counselor assistant with experience working with multiple universities and institutions. Expert in application process of top universities. After graduation, he worked as International education consultant at EACT (Education Association for China Tomorrow).